New this month
Professional truck drivers gear up for safety
Professional baseball catchers gear up before every game. You should wear your safety gear, too. Be a pro! Baseball (598 KB)
What if you are overweight?
Read the true story of a Washington truck driver injured while trying to get to a legal weight. Overweight (457 KB)
Results from the WTA's Truck Driving Championships
TIRES staff enjoyed being a part of the Washington Trucking Associations' Truck Driving Championships. This is our fourth year at this event and each time we've come away
with a sense of the camaraderie and dedication that makes up Washington's trucking industry. You do great work!
Here are this year's winners:
Grand Champion
Mark Peterson, USF
3 Axle
1st-Mark Peterson, USF
2nd-Tim Davis, Peninsula Truck Lines
3rd-Andrey Grishchuk, Conway Freight
4 Axle
1st-Chris Bates, Washington Closure
2nd-Mike Young, Peninsula Truck Lines
3rd-Guru Gill, Safeway
5 Axle
1st-John Enyeart, Safeway
2nd-Gary Ackerson, Supervalu
3rd-Shawn Keck, Fed Ex Freight
1st-Scott Henrickson, Conway Freight
2nd-Jeffrey Maas, Boeing
3rd-Robert Dean, Conway Freight
1st-Roy Garcia, Peninsula Truck Lines
2nd-Chuck Snowdon, Boeing
3rd-Mike McConnaughey, Carlile Transportation
1st-John Hnatishin, Boeing
2nd-Anthony Cornell, Conway Freight
3rd-Lisa Bry, Boeing
1st-Charles Price, Conway Freight
2nd-Michael Howell, Conway Freight
3rd-Gary Nickell, Boeing
1st-Chris Poynor, Conway Freight
2nd-Josh Jenkin, Peninsula Truck Lines
3rd-Rick Colton, Boeing
1st-Robert Hinds, Fed Ex Ground
2nd-Joshua Jack, Fed Ex Express
3rd-Dayton Fedak, Fed Ex Express
Joshua Jack, Fed Ex Express
Harry Fletcher Award
Mike McPherson, Conway Freight
Rookie of the Year
Jason VanMeter, YRC
Click to see pictures of this year's first place winners.
In national news
The American Transportation Research Institute recently launched a survey to identify the impact of CSA (Compliance Safety Accountability) on trucking operations, as well as carrier perceptions... Click here to read the online article in Occupational Health & Safety or to take the survey.
Worth repeating
Featuring previously published training materials that are...worth repeating!
Prevent injuries caused by jumping from the cab.
Poster: Don't fall for it! (589 KB)
Safety materials en Español
Bienvenido a nuestra edición en español del sitio web TIRES. Estamos actualmente traduciendo al español todos los folletos y articulos.
Training simulation tools
Prevent slips, trips and falls
Slips, trips and falls cause many injuries in the trucking industry. Test your safety knowledge with the friction simulation tool.
Force simulation tool
Does it really matter if you jump or use 3 points-of-contact when you exit the cab or trailer? Find out with our force-simulator. Use it as a training tool. Click force simulation tool.
Upcoming events
Click here to check out upcoming events in trucking. Let us know if you have a trucking industry related safety or health event that you'd like to add to the page.
To learn more about the TIRES initiative, or to find more information about injuries in the
trucking industry please visit us at,
The Trucking Injury Reduction Emphasis (TIRES)
project was developed by the Safety and Health Assessment and Research for Prevention (SHARP) program
of Washington's Department of Labor and Industries.
The Trucking Injury Reduction Emphasis (TIRES)
project team and the TIRES steering committee are
working with the Washington State trucking industry to
identify causes for the most frequent injuries to develop
effective strategies for preventing them.
The TIRES steering committee is made up of a diverse group of
professionals that includes: drivers, safety people from
large and small trucking companies, labor and business associations, insurers
and a representative from a publicly funded truck driving school.
Funded in part by a grant from CDC NIOSH 5 U60 OH
008487. The contents are solely the responsibility of
the authors and do not necessarily represent the
official views of CDC/NIOSH.